Remote Working – Are you Doing Enough to Manage Data Security In Your Business?

Remote Working – Are you Doing Enough to Manage Data Security In Your Business?

Incidents of data fraud/theft and large-scale cyberattacks were ranked the 4th and 5th “biggest risks facing our world in 2019” in an article published by The World Economic Forum. And, with large-scale teams working from home, the global events of 2020 have only left our data more exposed to risk due to our unfaltering dependence…


Do You Need An App?

Over the last few years, the digital market has shifted from laptops and desktops to smartphones, smartwatches, and tablets, meaning whatever your business does – it needs to be accessible from you client’s pocket (or wrist). And what better way to do this than with an app? Back in 2009, Apple coined the saying ‘There’s…

sentiment analysis

AI – Sentiment Analysis

Want to know the secret to customer satisfaction and maintaining a great reputation online?… It all starts with Sentiment Analysis. Usually, when people see the words Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Sentiment Analysis, one of two things happens: their eyes glaze over because they’re not “technology-minded” so this is simply ‘not relevant’, or they turn…

life after lockdown

Life After Lockdown

As lockdown conditions and social distancing regulations continue to change across the UK, we’ve seen a rapid shift and dependence on technology in all settings. From working from home and virtual meetings, to office integration and fever scanners upon entry, to restaurant apps and no more bar queues(!) – this year has seen the prolific…

machine learning

The Wonder of Artificial Intelligence

In our increasingly digitised world, almost every article you read about technology mentions either Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning (or both) – and the rumours surrounding these tech advancements can make them sound quite intimidating. Conversations around facial and voice recognition or self-driving cars can seem other-worldly, threatening our privacy and independence. But the reality…

together mode example

Virtual Meetings Get Real

Right now, thousands of companies that were previously dubious about remote working, believing it would negatively impact their productivity, are now discovering a whole new world of futuristic possibilities. With a new focus on working from home, exciting software developments like Zoom and Microsoft Teams have rapidly become the crutch that the nation relies upon…

Doctor using technology

Connecting and Collaborating with the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)

At the start of 2020, digital transformation and the Internet of Things were on the agenda for many companies. But, over the past few months, as the UK went into lockdown practically overnight, automated workflows and smart technology became much more than a futuristic concept. We suddenly found ourselves in a world that’s increasingly reliant…