How to Transform Data into Action with Business Intelligence

How to Transform Data into Action with Business Intelligence

Every business gathers data. Whether it’s customer or employee information, the data you’re collecting is valuable and can help you grow your business – providing you know what to do with it to transform it into actionable insight. As UK organisations large and small begin to take the next steps on their Coronavirus recovery plans,…

What Are The Benefits of Business Process Automation?
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What Are The Benefits of Business Process Automation?

When you’re working non-stop in a busy organisation, it can be difficult to take a step back and rethink how things should be done compared to how they’ve always been. However, as the business grows and technology progresses, often manual processes simply aren’t efficient enough to keep up with day-to-day requirements, time is wasted and…

Why Recruiters Need A Mobile-First Approach to Technology
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Why Recruiters Need A Mobile-First Approach to Technology

If there’s one thing we’ve learned this year, it’s that people can – and in a lot of instances prefer to – work remotely. While this is great for the recruitment sector, as it means easy and efficient access to candidates despite their geographic location, it does signal a long-term change in how your attract…